Results for 'Lucas M. Oosthuizen'

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  1.  47
    Storytelling as Adaptive Collective Sensemaking.Lucas M. Bietti, Ottilie Tilston & Adrian Bangerter - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):710-732.
    Bietti, Tilston and Bangerter take an evolutionary approach towards memory transmission and storytelling, arguing that storytelling plays a central role in the creation and transmission of cultural information. They suggest that storytelling is a vehicle to transmit survival‐related information that helps to avoid the costs involved in the first‐hand acquisition of that information and contributes to the maintenance of social bonds and group‐level cooperation. Furthermore, Bietti et al. argue that, going beyond storytelling’s individualist role of manipulating the audience to enhance (...)
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    Book Reviews: Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur, Paris: PUF, 2013 (Luca M. Possati); François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein (éds.), Paul Ricoeur : penser la mémoire, Paris, Seuil, 2013 (Aurore Dumont); Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press (Paul-Gabriel Sandu); Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutique du langage, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, coll. «Philosophica»,(Paul Marinescu); Saulius Geniusas, The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl's Phenomenology, Dordrecht: Springer, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67, 2012 (Witold Płotka); Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, coll.: Phaenomenologica 198 (Delia Popa); Denis Seron, Ce que voir veut dire. Essai sur la perception, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2012 (Maria Gyemant); Hans Frie. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati, Aurore Dumont, Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Paul Marinescu, Witold Płotka, Delia Popa, Maria Gyemant, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Bogdan Mincă, Denisa Butnaru, Ovidiu Stanciu & Mădălina Diaconu - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-508.
    Luca M. Possati, Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur ; Aurore Dumont, François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein, Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire ; Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement ; Paul Marinescu, Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutiquedu langage ; Witold Płotka, Saulius Geniusas, Th e Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology ; Delia Popa, Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl ; (...)
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  3.  14
    Testing the METUX Model in Higher Education: Interface and Task Need–Satisfaction Predict Engagement, Learning, and Well-Being.Lucas M. Jeno, Åge Diseth & John-Arvid Grytnes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:631564.
    The main aim of this study is to test the validity of the Motivation, Engagement, and Thriving in User Experience (METUX) model (Peters et al., 2018) in higher education. We propose a process model in which we investigate how the need-satisfaction of digital learning tools within the interface sphere and task sphere accounts for engagement, learning, and well-being. A total of 426 higher education students drawn from two subsamples participated in this cross-sectional study. A structural equation model shows that interface (...)
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  4.  19
    (1 other version)Interacting to remember at multiple timescales.Lucas M. Bietti & John Sutton - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (3):419-450.
    Everyday joint remembering, from family remembering around the dinner table to team remembering in the operating theatre, relies on the successful interweaving of multiple cognitive, bodily, social and material resources, anchored in specific cultural ecosystems. Such systems for joint remembering in social interactions are composed of processes unfolding over multiple but complementary timescales, which we distinguish for analytic purposes so as better to study their interanimation in practice: faster, lower-levelcoordination processesof behavioral matching and interactional synchrony occurring at timescale t1; mid-rangecollaborative (...)
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  5.  31
    Editors' Introduction.Luca M. Possati & Alberto Romele - 2020 - Critical Hermeneutics 4 (1).
    Digital media and technologies have significantly transformed the ways we relate to the world, in the triple sense of Selbstwelt, Mitwelt, and Umwelt. Think of the quantification of the self, the number of followers and likes on social media, or using Google maps and similar tools to orient ourselves in a city, to find and choose a good restaurant, and so on. One might say that digital media and technologies have actually transformed our interpretation, understanding, and access to the world. (...)
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  6.  63
    Si l’action est comme le texte. La fondation du social et le principe d’analogie chez Ricœur.Luca M. Possati - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (3):477-490.
    This paper reformulates the analogy between text and action in Paul Ricœur’s philosophy. My hypothesis is that such a reformulation better contextualizes the tensions in Ricœur’s practical philosophy, specifically between the social and the institutional. The aim is to show that Ricœur’s philosophy is tensional because it’s based on the principle of analogy. In order to think about this tension, we must grasp its true horizon: the analogy of text and action. After outlining this analogy’s genesis, we will see that (...)
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    Questioning in court: The construction of direct examinations.Lucas M. Seuren - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (3):340-357.
    While courtroom examinations are often recognized as a distinct speech-exchange system, little is known about how participants do an examination beyond its unique turn-taking system. This article attempts to shed some light on this issue by studying the question design during the direct examination in an American criminal court case using Conversation Analysis. It shows that attorneys use different question forms compared to casual conversation: declaratives are far less prevalent and questions are often designed as requests for action. In addition, (...)
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  8.  34
    (1 other version)Derrida, la ligne et le cercle. De' construction et principe d’analogie.Lucas M. Possati - 2015 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 19 (1):268-286.
    La question que nous nous proposons de traiter dans cet article concerne le statut de l’événement de la déconstruction en tant qu’image de la raison : Quelle raison trouvons-nous par le biais de la de'construction? Le geste déconstructeur veut dépasser le logos de la métaphysique occidentale sans le de'passer, manifestant l’impossibilité radicale d’un tel dépassement : peut-on parler donc d’un logos déconstructeur? La diffe'rance est-elle coupée du logos ou bien est-elle une autre forme de logos? Quel est son statut lo- (...)
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  9.  22
    E. Melandri: I generi letterari e la loro origine.Luca M. Possati - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (3):393-394.
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  10.  24
    Sobre el no ser.Lucas M. Álvarez - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 56:101-104.
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    Collaborative remembering at work.Lucas M. Bietti & Michael J. Baker - 2018 - Interaction Studies 19 (3):459-486.
    Collaborative remembering is essential to enabling teams to build shared understanding of projects and their progress. This article presents an analysis of collaborative remembering sequences in a corpus of interactions collected in a workplace where a team of designers developed a video television commercial. On the basis of coding and analysing linguistic and bodily behaviors in 158 such sequences, extracted from over 45 hours of video recordings, recurrent patterns of collaborative remembering processes were identified, relating to the interplay of work (...)
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  12.  6
    Ricoeur face à l'analogie: Entre théologie et déconstruction.Luca M. Possati - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage traite de la question de l'analogie chez Paul Ricoeur. L'hypothèse majeure est qu'une philosophie de l'analogie inachevée traverse toute l'oeuvre du philosophe. L'analogie se présente comme une fonction décisive qui se déroule sur plusieurs plans, mais qui ne vient jamais à la lumière en elle-même. L'effort archéologique - qui va des premiers écrits des années 30 et 40 jusqu'à la philosophie de la volonté et aux oeuvres majeures de "l'herméneutique de l'homme capable" - montre que la démarche analogique (...)
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    Comentário a “Equilíbrio Reflexivo e Prudência: um processo de deliberação moral”.Lucas M. Dalsotto - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):81-86.
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    Size dependence of the mechanical properties of ZnO nanobelts.M. Lucas, W. J. Mai, R. S. Yang, Z. L. Wang & E. Riedo - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2135-2141.
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    Adjacent and Non‐Adjacent Word Contexts Both Predict Age of Acquisition of English Words: A Distributional Corpus Analysis of Child‐Directed Speech.Lucas M. Chang & Gedeon O. Deák - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12899.
    Children show a remarkable degree of consistency in learning some words earlier than others. What patterns of word usage predict variations among words in age of acquisition? We use distributional analysis of a naturalistic corpus of child‐directed speech to create quantitative features representing natural variability in word contexts. We evaluate two sets of features: One set is generated from the distribution of words into frames defined by the two adjacent words. These features primarily encode syntactic aspects of word usage. The (...)
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  16. Violence and liberty in the transcendental philosophy of Giulio Preti.Luca M. Scarantino - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (3):653-671.
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  17.  20
    Unconscious networks: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and artificial intelligence.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book develops an original theoretical framework for understanding human-technology relations. The author's approach, which he calls technoanalysis, analyzes artificial intelligence based on Freudian psychoanalysis, biosemiotics, and Latour's actor-network theory. How can we communicate with AI to determine shared values and objectives? And what, ultimately, do we want from machines? These are crucial questions in our world, where the influence of AI-based technologies is rapidly growing. Unconscious dynamics influence AI and digital technology and understanding them is essential to better controlling (...)
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  18.  32
    Quantum Technologies: a Hermeneutic Technology Assessment Approach.Luca M. Possati - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (1):1-15.
    This paper develops a hermeneutic technology assessment of quantum technologies. It offers a “vision assessment” of quantum technologies that can eventually lead to socio-ethical analysis. Section 2 describes this methodological approach and in particular the concept of the hermeneutic circle applied to technology. Section 3 gives a generic overview of quantum technologies and their impacts. Sections 4 and 5 apply the hermeneutic technology assessment approach to the study of quantum technologies. Section 5 proposes distinguishing three levels in the analysis of (...)
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  19.  22
    Negotiating Actors.Luca M. Possati - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):1-21.
    This paper intends to address social robotics from the Actor-network theory (ANT) perspective. Starting from the critique of Seibt’s approach and the distinction between anthropomorphing and sociomorphing, the paper proposes a new methodological approach based on ANT and negotiation concepts. This approach allows us to: a) assume a more symmetrical ontology in which robots are considered as social agents, like humans; b) consider all the interactional elements as of equal importance; and c) overcome the dualistic limit that is often imposed (...)
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  20. Psychoanalyzing artificial intelligence: the case of Replika.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1725-1738.
    The central thesis of this paper is that human unconscious processes influence the behavior and design of artificial intelligence (AI). This thesis is discussed through the case study of a chatbot called Replika, which intends to provide psychological assistance and friendship but has been accused of inciting murder and suicide. Replika originated from a trauma and a work of mourning lived by its creator. The traces of these unconscious dynamics can be detected in the design of the app and the (...)
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  21.  9
    Ricoeur e l'esperienza storica: l'ermeneutica filosofica nella tradizione delle Annales.Luca M. Possati - 2008 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Venticinque anni di studi su Giulio Preti.Luca M. Scarantino - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (2):371-388.
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    Pragmatic truth and analytical truth in the thought of Preti, Giulio.Luca M. Scarantino - 1995 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 50 (2):421-436.
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  24.  56
    Review of Malafouris & Renfrew (2010): The Cognitive Life of Things. Recasting the Boundaries of the Mind. [REVIEW]Lucas M. Bietti - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (1):141-149.
  25.  30
    Is There a Digital World?Luca M. Possati - 2021 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (1):1-25.
    This article discusses the relation between software and human experience. I argue that software-based experiences are based on a radical discrepancy between the code and “lived experience.” This break is different than the so-called “opacity” of technology. I start analyzing a case study: the video game Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Video games are one of the most profound digital experiences humans can have. When I play a video game I do not see the code. However, the code is the source of (...)
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  26.  14
    Le « cogito blessé » entre éthique et politique.Luca M. Possati - 2014 - Eco-Ethica 3:171-184.
    Quels sont les rapports entre l’éthique et la politique chez Paul Ricoeur? Le Cogito herméneutique est-il un sujet du droit? Chez Ricoeur, le passage de l ’éthique à la politique se révèle paradoxale. D’une part, le politique réalise la visée éthique d’une vie bonne : c ’est donc une partie de l ’éthique, un prolongement de celle-ci. De l’autre, le rapport de la politique au pouvoir bouleverse l’éthique : il existe une violence qui ne peut pas être réglée par la (...)
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  27.  38
    Ricœur et Deleuze, lecteurs de Spinoza: Ontologie, éthique, imagination.Luca M. Possati - 2013 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 4 (2):123-139.
    This article proposes a reading of Ricoeur and Deleuze from their respective interpretations of Spinoza's thought. Ricoeur and Deleuze are placed in the center of the Spinoza-Renaissance that took place in France in the Fifties and Sixties. However, Ricoeur's Spinozism is still largely unknown. The first two parts of the article concern Spinoza's concepts of conatus and essentia actuosa, emphasizing their importance for Ricoeur's hermeneutics of symbols, especially in relation to his reading of Jean Nabert. The following three sections concern (...)
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  28.  40
    The Noema as Nash Equilibrium. Husserlian Phenomenology and Game Theory.Luca M. Possati - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):1147-1170.
    The noema is one of the most daring and controversial concept of the Husserlian theory of intentionality. It was first introduced by Husserl in 1912, within some research manuscripts, but was only fully developed in Ideen. In this paper I claim that the noema is an ambiguous notion, the result of a theoretical operation, the epoché, whose aim is contradictory. In an effort to keep open the epoché, and therefore maintain distance with respect to every transcendent object, Husserl is forced (...)
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    My Chronic Pain is Like My Pit Bull: Very Strong and Won't Leave My Side.M. Lucas - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (3):196-198.
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    Correction: From Turing to Peirce. A semiotic interpretation of computation.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1175-1175.
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    Editors’ Introduction: Remembering With Others: Conversational Dynamics and Mnemonic Outcomes.Lucas M. Bietti & Charles B. Stone - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):592-608.
    The aim of our introduction is to present the reader with key concepts and paradigms that have been rigorously developed to empirically investigate the dynamics and outcomes of conversational remembering in cognitive research.
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    Ethics of Quantum Computing: an Outline.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-21.
    This paper intends to contribute to the emerging literature on the ethical problems posed by quantum computing and quantum technologies in general. The key ethical questions are as follows: Does quantum computing pose new ethical problems, or are those raised by quantum computing just a different version of the same ethical problems raised by other technologies, such as nanotechnologies, nuclear plants, or cloud computing? In other words, what is new in quantum computing from an ethical point of view? The paper (...)
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    From Turing to Peirce. A semiotic interpretation of computation.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1085-1110.
    The thesis of the paper is that semiotic processes are intrinsic to computation and computational systems. An explanation of computation that does not take this semiotic dimension into account is incomplete. Semiosis is essential to computation and therefore requires a rigorous definition. To prove this thesis, the author analyzes two concepts of computation: the Turing machine and the mechanistic conception of physical computation. The paper is organized in two parts. The first part (Sects. 2 and 3) develops a re-interpretation of (...)
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    María C. Davolio y Graciela E. Marcos trad., Graciela E. Marcos introducción y notas, Gorgias. Encomio de Helena. [REVIEW]Lucas M. Álvarez - 2020 - Argos 1 (38):88-89.
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    Towards scientific medicine: an information‐age outlook.Olli S. Miettinen, Lucas M. Bachmann & Johann Steurer - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):771-774.
  36.  50
    Towards a cognitive pragmatics of collective remembering.Lucas M. Bietti - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (1):32-61.
    This article aims to provide a cognitive and discourse based theory to collective memory research. Despite the fact that a large proportion of studies in collective memory research in social, cognitive, and discourse psychology are based on investigations of cognitive and discourse processes, neither linguistics nor cognitive and social psychologists have proposed an integrative, interdisciplinary and discursive-based theory to memory research. I argue that processes of remembering are always embodied and action oriented reconstructions of the past, which are highly dynamic (...)
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  37. La simbolica mariana della stella in S. bonaventura e in altri autori francescani tra XIII e XVI secolo.Luca M. di Girolamo - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (1-2):21-70.
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  38. Multiple Timescales of Joint Remembering in the Crafting of aMemory-Scaffolding Tool during Collaborative Design.Lucas M. Bietti & John Sutton - 2015 - In G. Airenti, B. G. Bara & G. Sandini (eds.), roceedings of EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science. pp. 60-65.
    Joint remembering relies on the successful interweaving of multiple cognitive, linguistic, bodily, social and material resources, anchored in specific cultural ecosystems. Such systems for joint remembering in social interactions are composed of processes unfolding over multiple but complementary timescales which we distinguish for analytic purposes with the terms ‘coordination’, ‘collaboration’, ‘cooperation’, and ‘culture’, so as better to study their interanimation in practice. As an illustrative example of the complementary timescales involved in joint remembering in a real-world activity, we present a (...)
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    Narrative Symposium: Living with Chronic Pain in the Midst of the Opioid Crisis.Megan Becker-Leckrone, M. Lucas, Ken Start, Carlyn Zwarenstein, Anonymous One, Samantha René Merriwether, Amber Milliken, Jeff Moyer, Stowe Locke Teti, Amy K., Meredith Lawrence, Rochelle Odell, Peter Grinspoon, Eric Stuckenschneider, Elaine Ballard & Janie Anderson - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (3):193-224.
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    Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Federica Amici & Lucas M. Bietti - 2015 - Interaction Studies 16 (3):vii-xii.
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    Rethinking Philosophy Today.Riccardo Pozzo & Luca M. Scarantino - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia:1-3.
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    Clinical research: up from 'clinical epidemiology'.Olli S. Miettinen, Lucas M. Bachmann & Johann Steurer - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1208-1213.
    Clinical research must be understood to be the foundation of scientific medicine of the clinical type. But the essence of scientific clinical medicine remains a matter of profound confusion, even in clinical academia, and so does the essence of clinical research. The confusion now revolves, principally, around ‘clinical epidemiology’. We address clinical research in the meaning of quintessentially ‘applied’ clinical research, which we take to be the foundation of the scientific knowledge base of clinical medicine, of gnosis (dia‐, etio‐, pro‐) (...)
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  43.  15
    Embodied reminders in family interactions: Multimodal collaboration in remembering activities.Fátima Galiana Castelló & Lucas M. Bietti - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (6):665-686.
    The aim of our study is to show the ways in which family members coordinate their minds, bodies and language in a functional and goal-oriented manner when they are jointly remembering shared events that they had experienced together as a group. So far, little attention has been paid to the influence that the interplay of multiple behavioral channels have in collaborative remembering in small groups. Our goal is to specifically examine the central role that direct questions have when they act (...)
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  44.  63
    Is Time the Real Line?Bruno F. Rizzuti, Luca M. Gaio & Lucas T. Cardoso - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-26.
    This paper is devoted to discussing the topological structure of the arrow of time. In the literature, it is often accepted that its algebraic and topological structures are that of a one-dimensional Euclidean space \, although a critical review on the subject is not easy to be found. Hence, leveraging on an operational approach, we collect evidences to identify it structurally as a normed vector space \\), and take a leap of abstraction to complete it, up to isometries, to the (...)
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  45. L'esegesi scritturistica di S. Bonaventura ed il suo commento all'episodio delle nozze di Cana (Gv 2, 1-11).Luca M. di Girolamo - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (3-4):489-549.
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    Science et philosophie en France et en Italie entre les deux guerres.Jean Petitot & Luca M. Scarantino (eds.) - 2001 - Napoli: Vivarium.
    Le rationalisme italien est une figure majeure de la pensée du 20e siècle, non seulement en Italie mais également en France. Pour bien comprendre ce courant de pensée, il faut voir le rationalisme comme une tentative double, touchant à la fois la science et la philosophie. D’une part, le rationalisme tente de saisir la dimension culturelle de la science, d’autres part, il vise à élaborer une conception nouvelle, plus ouverte, de la raison philosophique. L’ouvrage s’intéresse également à l’influence exercée par (...)
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  47. Paul Ricœur by Jean Grondin. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-471.
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  48. Hans Urs Von Balthasar, un interprete del pensiero bonaventuriano.Luca M. di Girolamo - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (1-2):143-186.
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    Coordination, collaboration and cooperation.Federica Amici & Lucas M. Bietti - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (3):383-418.
    Humans have attained an unparalleled level of sophistication when engaging in collaborative and cooperative activities. Remarkably, the skills and motivation to engage in complex forms of collaboration and cooperation seem to emerge early on during infancy and childhood. In this paper, I extensively review the literature on the evolution and development of human cooperation, emphasizing important aspects of inter-cultural variation in collaborative and cooperative behaviour. This will not only allow us to confront the different evolutionary scenarios in which cooperation may (...)
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    The "Double Decision" Makes Sense -- But for Whom? A Reply to Herf.W. Suss & M. Lucas - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (56):130-145.
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